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Usage Help

Support - Usage landing page FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s easy to reduce your energy use and save money by starting with no-cost and low-cost changes. Getting started is as simple as adopting a few new habits and making time for quick and easy projects around the house.

Find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business with our online bill analysis, where you analyze and graph your energy usage and see what impacts your bill monthly.

Energize Connecticut and ENERGY STAR® are also great resources for energy saving tips.

As a Connecticut renter, you can benefit from technical advice and rebates through the Home Energy Solutions program. 

You can also use our online bill analysis, where you analyze and graph your energy usage, see what impacts your bill monthly, find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business.

More than half of the energy used in your home goes to heating, cooling and hot water. So making smart decisions about these systems in your home can have a big effect on your utility bills — and your comfort. We offer several solutions and rebates to help you find and install the high-efficiency energy equipment that is right for you.

We recommend you start with Home Energy Solutions. Your home’s energy performance will be assessed by energy professionals and you’ll receive about $1,000 in on-the-spot energy fixes - like sealing air leaks, energy-efficient lighting, and more.

The fee* for all of this is just $75 for all eligible customers.

Rebates and financing are available for insulation, high-efficiency heating/cooling, WI-FI thermostats, water heating, windows, and appliances.

You can also get started with our online bill analysis, where you analyze and graph your energy usage, see what impacts your bill monthly, find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business.

Contact Us - Accordion

Contact Us

Non Emergency Contacts

Greater Hartford: 860.524.8361
Greenwich: 203.869.6900
Live Support Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Self-Service Automated Phone Support 24x7

Greater Hartford: 860.727.3400
Greenwich: 800.437.0444

Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Emergency Contacts

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, or if you suspect a natural gas leak, get up, get out and get away! Then call us immediately at 866.924.5325 or 911 from a safe location.

You can also call us using the following local numbers: Greater Hartford: 860.246.5325 and Greenwich: 203.869.6913.

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